Job Description


Must have: Financial product knowledge – Capital markets, Equity, Fixed income, Mutual fund product, knowledge on PRIIPS regulation/ KIID’s production/ knowledge on UCITS funds, knowledge on Asset management business, Client reporting function

Good to have: Excel- Advanced, Alteryx / Power BI skillset



JD – Reporting role



Background on the Team


The position would be responsible for performing Portfolio and Client Reporting function for Investment Strategies across .  While preparing and delivering reports for the clients’ remains the core responsibility, there are other tasks as well which form part of this role. These include replying to client enquiries, request for data/reports from the Investment team, Sales team, Clients, etc. 


The Reports prepared could range from very simple, standard reports which are mainly automated (system generated) or highly customized (complex) reports dictated by the clients which can be quite manual in nature. The form in which they are delivered could be excel files, pdf files, word document, power point presentation and other such medium.  Some of the common report types are Performance files, Positions/Holdings, Transaction Reports, Asset Compositions, Ratings Breakdown, etc.  All reports must be delivered as per the frequency agreed upon (monthly, weekly, quarterly, etc) and as per the deadline set. The deadlines could even be on demand.


This position would require the individual to work closely with functional teams in other regions and involve liaison & interaction with global stakeholders including portfolio managers, actual clients, etc


Primary Responsibilities


•              Reporting to Internal and External clients - production, handling queries & data requests

•              Maintaining a task list and following up with other teams responsible for data /reports sourced from them

•              Tracking each deliverable per the deadlines set and ensuring no lapses occur

•              Following maker & checker process for each deliverable with zero tolerance for inaccuracy

•              Periodic Risk and Exception reporting to senior management

•              Involvement in projects related to the job function 

•              Following up with IT for any development needs or issues raised with the current reports


Skills required (essential)


•              Well versed with  MS office – Outlook (Email Management), Excel (Sql, writing macros, Lookup, Formulas, Pivots etc.), Word & PowerPoint – Can we re-word as Well versed with  MS office – Outlook (Email Management),Word, Power point and Excel( Basic functions, formulas like Look up, Pivots etc.). SQL and writing Macros would be an added advantage.

•              Basic understanding of various financial products its performance & cash flows.

•              Excellent verbal and written communication abilities.

•              Exhibit a strong sense of urgency, accountability, ownership.

•              Ability to follow-up & work with teams at off-site/remote locations.

•              Demonstrates a clear understanding of the business they support and client requirements.